Download Don't Sleep to prevent computer shutdown
Program to prevent computer and system shutdowns and prevent system restarts, Don't Sleep is a free application that helps you to discourage and prevent computer shutdowns, and also prevents the system from going into standby mode, also the program prevents the screensaver from running and keeps your computer running around the clock Without stopping, the Donut Sleep program has a simple and easy-to-use interface, which provides you with several options through which you can prevent the shutdown of the Windows system, prevent the system from going into hibernate or sleep mode, as well as prevent turning off the computer. You can also prevent the system from going into standby mode, in addition to preventing the computer from restarting.
The Don't Sleep program provides you with the ability to customize a specific time range on the computer to automatically activate the program and prevent the system from being shut down in that specific time period. Easily through the settings.
The Don't Sleep program is a small-sized tool that keeps your effort, work, and time on the computer from being lost due to a computer shutdown or a sudden system restart, which is caused in many cases by the failure of old programs installed on the system that are outdated or because of harmful files, also the program is lightweight It is compatible with all Windows operating systems.
Don't Sleep provides you with the best free solutions to get rid of the computer shutdown problem and the sudden system restart problem, which exhausted many users due to the installation of programs on the computer that force them to automatically restart the system, and this problem may be a cause of loss Your effort and work in which you spent hours on the computer, such as editing texts, working with design and video montage programs, or browsing important websites on the Internet that you have not saved yet, the Don't Sleep program comes with a free, small-sized portable version that does not require installation, you can save it on the flash Disk and run it on any other computer, you can now download the Don't Sleep program and use it on your computer to prevent automatic computer shutdown and prevent system restart for free and for life.
Program version: 9.21
Size: 190KB
License: Freeware Other
Operating system: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Category: computer maintenance software
Rating: 4.5/5